Friday, November 15, 2013

Ten Things About Me?

Ten Things About Me?

Recently there's been a little game going around my favorite social media site.  Someone gives you a number and you list that many facts about yourself.  I was given the number ten.  Here was my response:

Ten things about me?...I am not important, God is.
I. Though we may fail, He NEVER will...EVER.
II. He will never leave you nor forsake you....
III. You can do all things through Him that gives you strength.
IV. When your heart is weary He will give you rest.
V. NOTHING can separate you from His love...NOTHING.
VI. He will supply all your need.
VII. He knows the plans He has for you, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
VIII. Before He formed you in your mother's womb He knew you & he numbered every hair on your head. (try to count them...I dare you)
IX. His grace is sufficient for you.
X. If you acknowledge Him in all your ways He will direct your path.


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