Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Life's Winter

From original blog:
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
My Life's Winter

The blustery wind has been blowing leaves out of the trees all day.  Here where I am they're still green!  I'll be watching them turn colors on the ground.  With the cooler air comes the frisky critters.  The feral cat colony outside has been quite active.  Even the old ones are participating in gentle play with the little ones, while the rest hide behind bushes and jump out to chase and pummel each other.  Overall it is a peaceful feeling.  One that people like me savor as long as possible.  It's not cold here yet, but the air is filled with the impending change.  It is a change that reminds me that this life will eventually come to it's own winter.  I do not relish the thought of being frail and brittle, as my life slowly winds down.  I do not like to linger on those thoughts, but then again, I don't know anyone who does.  It is in those cold moments that I have to forcefully remind myself of what lies beyond my life's winter. Though when I allow my thoughts to linger there for a time, I realize just how much doubt is in me.  Doubt that leads to questions. Questions that lead me to revisit history.  In this history I recall the creation, the fall, the death, the resurrection...  When I recount history then I recount the promises.  It is in those promises that I tell my scattered mind to rest.  Rest.... rest in Him.  When my weary heart finally gives, there will be Him. 11-6-13

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