Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Million Years

It amazes me how my "friendships" have changed since we embarked on the homeschool journey.  Never in a million years did I think that certain people would belittle us for it.  Never in a million years did I think that fellow believers in Christ would have harsh things to say to me. To be snubbed and over hear slanderous things.  Never in a million years did I think I would be slandered and thrown into the same category as a child abuser.  We've been scrutinized by what family still speaks to us.  We've been mocked by peers.  And now we're being pursued by officials.  Why?  Because we chose something different.

 We chose to take responsibility for our remaining child to the fullest extent after our first completed the senior year.  The responsibility that all who work in public scholarly and cultural institutions repine about, whining that they can't do it all and it's the parents obligation.  Society touts, through various media outlets, demands that inattentive progenitors deal with their responsibilities.  Acting like we're "the baby daddy," Expecting us to finance everything and carry the blame for their problems;  but they get to impart their ideals and philosophies while questioning ours, then reaping the all the credit when something goes right.  And now we get chastised, legislated against, and (at times) jailed for giving them what they cried for?

Complete control without any accountability or consequences is what they want.  Yes, it really is.  My eyes were slowly opened while I worked in the system that was founded on Socialistic principles.  It's taken generations, but it's more evident that ever where and what this system wants our children to be.  All religions accept the State approved religion have been removed, it is permissible to assign the reading of a fictional book that contains graphic depictions of brutal sexual intercourse, various birth control methods are distributed to the youngest of junior high students, access to abortions, search and seizures are carried out, along with questionnaires about care giver's habits, and psychological evaluations are conducted.  ALL are often done without parental knowledge or consent.  Many times care givers are not given the opportunity to have their student opt out of these assignments or programs.  On top of it all, history books are filled with lies and other curricula are watered down.  Minds are being trained to test, not think for themselves.  Complete control without accountability.  Obedience without question...makes me think of the lines I've seen on Hitler's youth propaganda posters...  Shudder.  Their changes didn't happen over night either.

In the early days many did sound warnings, and to no avail, did so for years.  Then the machine grew too big for a handful to push back.  Let's not forget the nice pension that they receive as well.  Then there are those like me.  We're the ones that have stepped out of the machine.  Unfortunately, we still have to keep up with it and we are encouraging those still in it to push back. 

In the mean time, we are taking back our authority.  We are taking it back in our home, our community, and our legislation.  We are taking it back AND exercising it!  We are choosing what books are read, we are choosing how and when to discuss sexual reproduction.  We not only instruct our pupils in the art of good stewardship and proper citizenry, but WHY they need to engage themselves in it.  We are tailoring the education to our student's individual interests and needs; not tailoring the student to tests.  We are imparting our individual family's morals and values, not those of the State. 
Recruitment poster for the Hitler Youth/League of German Girls (ca. 1940)
Young People Serving the Führer

All 10-Year-Olds Join the Hitler Youth
Image taken from:

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