So I've spent the last few days bumbling around the house while someone does schoolwork so it doesn't look like I'm hovering. I constantly check her work for errors. I constantly remind her to take more time organizing her thoughts and checking back over her work before it is turned in. There are days that I feel like a recording stuck in a loop.
Tonight I realized that I haven't put an entry in here for a while. I looked back through the old posts only to realize that there are so many errors. I stop and think about what I need to fix, that I need to revisit some grammar rules, that I simply need to take more time organizing my thoughts.
I wonder if that is how God feels about us? Does he hover over us while we work? Does he shake his head reminding us to take more time organizing? I think he does. We rush our decisions, work, conversations. For what? Like the children, we rush so we can go play with whatever distractions we choose to surround ourselves with. Real relationships are not built, the Gospel is not shared, and we've not done much to glorify him. My finite cartoony brain imagines him getting impatient and feeling like his message is stuck on a loop because we simply don't listen. I picture him sitting on his throne arms waving as he yells at us, much like my husband does the quarterback during a football game. (told you I think cartoony)
Yep, we don't listen. We want to rush things, people, him. Then when things go wrong we look back on our work only to realize all of the mistakes in it. We look toward our Creator/teacher to give us a break. We make excuses, we try to reason things out hoping he will just "autocorrect" where we've messed up. Ultimately we give in to our dependence on his grace. We consult His Word, own up to our mistakes. We learn to take the necessary time to plan our words, our time, our actions, and use the correction fluid of apologies when necessary.
Our life is not a rough draft where errors can be corrected before it is turned in. Mistakes are inevitable because we are chronic sinners. I challenge myself, and you, to spend more time reading His Word and less time asking for him for an autocorrect.
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